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Original Research Article

Year: 2017 | Month: July | Volume: 4 | Issue: 7 | Pages: 100-105

A Molecular Analysis of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) Gene Insertion/Deletion (I/D) Polymorphism in Toxaemia of Pregnancy and Normotensive Mothers

T. Praveen1, Anil Kumar2, Raj Kumar Srivastava3, Shirin Jahan3

1Ph.D. scholar, Department of Anatomy, 2Assistant Professor, Central Research Laboratory, 3Professor, Department of Anatomy,
Rama Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Kanpur, Rama University (India)

Corresponding Author: Anil Kumar


Toxaemia of pregnancy is diagnosed in India around 6-10% of all deliveries and is associated with 22% of perinatal foetal deaths and cause 30% of maternal death. Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) plays a vital role in the Renin Aldosterone System (RAS) which regulates blood pressure by converting Angiotensin-I into a powerful vasoconstrictor Angiotensin-II. The aim of the present study was to explore out the ACE geneI/D polymorphism in cases of toxaemia of pregnancy and normotensive mothers in north India population. Study was done in 100 cases of Toxaemia of pregnancy and 100 controls (Normotensive) pregnant women who were admitted in department of obstetrics and gynecology, Rama Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Kanpur. 5ml venous blood was collected in EDTA vials and processed for ACE gene I/D polymorphism withusing conventional polymerase chain reaction (PCR). A Deletion polymorphism (D allele) has found to be associated with elevated ACE activity leading to hypertension in pregnant women.On genotype analysis, the frequency of I/I, I/D and D/D polymorphism in controls group were found 40%,34% and 26% respectively. Among cases group, the frequency of I/I, I/D and D/D were recorded 16%,30% and 54% respectively. On comparison of the individual frequencies of the three genotypes, it was found that D/D genotype were more prone to develop disease with an odd’s ratio of 5.192% (D/D vs I/I) and 2.353% (D/D vs I/D). On statistical comparison of D/D genotypes between the controls and cases, the cases showed a significant increase of frequency (p-value=0.0005), an odd’s ratio of 3.341 was obtained against (I/D+I/I) polymorphism.

Key words: Toxaemia of Pregnancy, Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE), Insertion/Deletion polymorphism (I/D), polymerase chain reaction (PCR), significant p-value.

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