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Original Research Article

Year: 2017 | Month: September | Volume: 4 | Issue: 9 | Pages: 6-9

Learning Motivation of Students During the Implementation of Lecturing Based in Silico Approach

Agus Muji Santoso1,2, Mohamad Amin3, Sutiman B Sumitro4, Betty Lukiati3

1Postgraduate of Biology Education, Malang State University, Indonesia
2Biology Education, University of Nusantara PGRI Kediri, Indonesia
3Biology Department, Malang State University, Indonesia
4Biology Department, Brawijaya University, Indonesia

Corresponding Author: Agus Muji Santoso


The silico-based learning is one of the new curriculum programs for prospective teachers at UN PGRI Kediri. Because of motivation plays an important role, this study aims to reveal the dimension of students' learning motivation to that program.This research is a case study at Biology Education Department. Respondents of this research were Biology Education students in Biochemistry class (52 students). The data were collected by a standard questionnaire of learning motivation of science and analyzed by correlation analysis. This study shows that all aspects of the motivational dimension are increasing. The dimension of career motivation experienced the highest increase compared to other dimensions in the medium category (0.36). There was a strong and positive correlation between the dimensions of self-efficacy and assessment anxiety with career motivation (0.669) and between self-determination and grade motivation (0.768).

Key words: motivation, in silico, Biology, Biochemistry class.

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