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Research Paper

Year: 2018 | Month: October | Volume: 5 | Issue: 10 | Pages: 391-399

Acehnese Deixis Realization: A Study of Syntagmatic System

Ibrahim M. Jamil1,2, T. Silvana Sinar2, T. Thyrhaya Zein2, Nurlela2

1STKIP An-Nur, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Indonesia
2Doctoral Program of Linguistics, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, University of Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia

Corresponding Author: Ibrahim M. Jamil


The paper is qualitative descriptive and aims to describe the Acehnese deixis realization using syntagmatic system. The results showed that the syntagmatic system in Acehnese were oriented to ideational metafunction covering the aspects of (i) experiential structure, and (ii) logical structure. The first may include (1) entities, and (2) other word classes consisting of (a) deixis, (b) numerative, (c) classifier, (d) epithet, and (e) qualifier. The experiential structure in Acehnese can also be formulated in the followings: 1) deixis ^ entity, 2) entity ^ deixis, 3) entity ^ numerative ^ deixis, 4) entity ^ deixis ^ epithet, 5) entity ^ epithet ^ deixis, 6) entity ^ deixis ^ qualifier, 7) entity ^ deixis ^ numerative ^ epithet, 8) entity ^ classifier ^ deixis ^ epithet, 9) entity ^ classifier ^ deixis ^ numerative, 10) entity ^ classifier ^ epithet ^ deixis. Meanwhile, the second has a varieties of aspects such as 1) core ^ modification, 2) modification ^ core, 3) core ^ modifier, 4) modifier ^ core, and 5) pramodification ^ core ^ postmodification.

Key words: Deixis realization, syntagmatic system, experiencial and logical structure

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