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Research Paper

Year: 2018 | Month: October | Volume: 5 | Issue: 10 | Pages: 400-406

Revitalization of Manjapuik Marapulai Tradition in Minangkabau Marriage Customs

Srimaharani Tanjung, Tengku Silvana Sinar, Ikhwanuddin Nasution, Muhammad Takari

Doctoral Program of Linguistics, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universityof Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia

Corresponding Author: Srimaharani Tanjung


The paper describes the perspective of manjapuik marapulai (literally ‘to pick a bride-groom up’) tradition and the attempts to revitalize such tradition which is mainly found in Pariaman regency and becomes an oral tradition that requires indigenous actors who have indigenous knowledge and expertise in speaking and in using indigenous language. The actors are considered customary actors (or pelaku adat) who, in this case, deliver custom speechor tribute (pasambahan or pidato adat) which is aimed at declaring the intention and the purposes of the tradition. The research method is qualitative descriptive and attempted to obtain the necessary information from informants with observation techniques and in-depth interviews. The results show that since the actors’ existence is lack of appreciation today, the tradition undergoes significant changes; therefore, a model of revitalization to the tradition has been created and is hopefully accepted by local communities. In prctice, the revitalization is carried out in three stages, namely: the revival of interest, the applicable management, and the transmitting. The first refers to the ways to socializethe manjapuik marapulai oral tradition in educational institutions, such as schools, academies, institutes, and universities. The second is carried out by re-functioning the manjapuik marapulai‘s traditional processes and by forming the youth organizations. Management can also be done by holding training and promotion, and by involving young people in a series of events. The last may cover the radio and TV broadcasting in local television, the advertisement to stimulate cultural appreciation, and the inventory. It is suggested that Pariaman should have proficient and capable actors because the core of the tradition is the actors themselves.

Key words: Manjapuik marapulai, revitalization, pasambahan, customary actors

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