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Research Paper

Year: 2018 | Month: December | Volume: 5 | Issue: 12 | Pages: 96-111

Youths’ Participation in the Tourism Development at Sibolangit Natural Tourism Park

M. Ainur Ridlo1, Robert Sibarani2, Suwardi Lubis2

1Postgraduate Students at University of North Sumatra, Indonesia
2Postgraduate Lecturer at University of North Sumatra, Indonesia

Corresponding Author: M. Ainur Ridlo


The objective of the research entitled Youths’ Participation in the Tourism Development at Sibolangit Natural Tourism Park was 1) to analyze youths’ participation in the tourism development at Sibolangit Natural Tourism Park; and 2) to formulate the strategy and policy of youths’ participation in the tourism development at Sibolangit Natural Tourism Park. This is a descriptive research with qualitative approach. The research was conducted in Sibolangit Village, Deli Serdang Regency. The primary data were collected through in-depth interview with key informant and the secondary data were obtained through library study on literature, documents, or essays related to the research problems. Descriptive analytical technique was used to analyze the data for the first problem by making adjustment between the theory and field reality (research results), whereas SWOT analysis was applied for the second problem related to the researcher’s strategy. The conclusion of the research showed that 1) youths’ participation in the tourism development at Sibolangit Natural Tourism Park was active and in form of ideas and energy; not in form of property or money; their activities were a) they participated in Musrembang (convention on national affairs) during the planning stage; b) they became tour guide and promoted tourism during the implementation stage; c) they conducted religious activities, outbound and tree planting during utilization stage; and d) they did not do anything during at evaluation stage. 2) The strategies of youths’ participation in the development Sibolangit Natural Tourism Park were: a) Making use of youths’ enthusiasm for the development of Sibolangit Natural Tourism Park; b) Conducting routine activities that could stimulate youths’ motivation; c) Optimizing the area by making the facilities, infrastructure, partners, and human resources effective and providing supporting documents in the management of Sibolangit Natural Tourism Park; and d) Developing conserved villages to improve people’s welfare.

Key words: Youths’ Participation, Tourism Development, Sibolangit Natural Tourism Park

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