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Research Paper

Year: 2018 | Month: December | Volume: 5 | Issue: 12 | Pages: 260-269

The Effect of Parent's Social Economic Status and Economic Literacy on the Consumption Decision of Economic Education Students FKIP Untan

Siti Hardianti1, Achmadi2, Husni Syahrudin3

1,2,3Study Program Master of Economics Education, Tanjungpura University Pontianak, Indonesia

Corresponding Author: Siti Hardianti


The role of the family as a driver of the development of individual knowledge is influenced by dynamic social interactions, and also on the family's socio-economic status. This study aims to determine whether there is an influence of parents' socio-economic status and economic literacy on consumption decisions of FKIP Untan economic education students. The method used in this study is to use descriptive methods with quantitative approaches. The form of research that will be used is Interrelationship Studies. The population of the study was the overall FKIP Untan economic education students (regular) who were still active from the 2014 to 2017 Academic Year totaling 251 people, the total sample in this study was 146 students. Data collection techniques that will be used in this study are indirect communication techniques and documentary study techniques. The data collection tools used in this study are tests, questionnaires or questionnaires, notebooks, visual documentation tools. Analysis of research results was done using Multiple Linear Regression Analysis. There is a significant influence of parents' socio-economic and economic literacy on consumption decisions. This means that the better the parents' socio-economic status and economic literacy, the consumption decisions will increase, and vice versa.

Key words: parental socio-economic status, economic literacy, student consumption decision

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