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Review Paper

Year: 2018 | Month: December | Volume: 5 | Issue: 12 | Pages: 33-41

Occupational Stress Management among Information Technology Professionals in India

Km. Upasana Singh

Research Scholar of Business Administration Department of MohanlalSukhadia University, Udaipur


In Republic of India software system trade has become one in all the quickest growing industries. Any reasonably employment has targets associate degree, and worker becomes stressed once he or she is assigned with undoable targets and square measure unable to manage the given state of affairs. The IT sector professionals are characterized by long time working, night shifts, lack of mobility and continued visual focusing the monitor leads to “Occupational Stress”, it may be related with many factors like income, age, nature of work, type of organizations, personality type etc. Age is that the most significant issue that affects the task stress of associate degree worker as a result of the increasing age cause several issues. The employees cannot do their works effectively. Through increasing age also increasing their responsibilities. Six major classes of potential sources of stress at work are known by Cooper and Marshall (1976): Intrinsic to the task, ensuing from one’s role within the organization, Career Development, Relation with others, Organizational structure and climate. Ivancevich and Mattson (1980) suggested four main items that are namely: Physical environment, Individual Level (Role and career development variable), Group level (Relationship based) and Organizational level (Organizational Climate, Structure, job Design and task characteristic).

Key words: Stress, Occupational Stress, IT Professional, Stress Management Technique

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