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Original Research Article

Year: 2018 | Month: April | Volume: 5 | Issue: 4 | Pages: 101-105

Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme on Knowledge and Practice Regarding IMNCI Guidelines on ARI (Pneumonia) among Female Health Workers

Usha Yadav

Assistant Professor, SGT University, Gurugram, Haryana


In a loving home, the minute that a new born is brought into the world ,everything begins to revolve around him, many expectations and dreams are arise but these expectation and dreams die with the death of child before reaching 5 years of age. Globally, the five leading causes of deaths among children under five include pneumonia (18 per cent); pre-term birth complications (14 per cent); diarrhoea (11 per cent); intrapartum-related (9 per cent) and malaria (7 per cent). With the aim of bringing down under five children mortality rates and improving child survival, the WHO in collaboration with UNICEF and many other agencies, institutions individuals respond to this challenge by developing a strategy known as IMCI. Due to very high neonatal mortality, India has further amended this strategy by including management of neonatal illnesses and the strategy was renamed as Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood Illness (IMNCI) strategy under RCH Phase II in 2005.The purpose of study is to identify the knowledge and practice of IMNCI guidelines by female health workers at Grass root level of health care system and the impact of planned teaching programmes on their knowledge and practice. In this study the sample were 60 female health workers (30 for experimental group and 30 for control group).and the result, indicating that after intervention the knowledge as well as practice skill of female health workers among experimental group is improved to adequate and effective level .The study concluded that the programme helps the female health workers to improve their knowledge and practice on IMNCI strategy regarding management of children having ARI. This will ultimately helps to reduce under five morbidity and mortality rate and helps in achievement of SDG.

Key words: Planned Teaching Programme, Knowledge, Practice, IMNCI, ARI, Female Health Worker.

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