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Research Paper

Year: 2019 | Month: January | Volume: 6 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 100-108

An Analysis on the Influence of Population Growth Rate, Economic Growth, Human Development Index, Income Distribution, and Unemployment Rate toward Poverty in All Provinces in Indonesia

David Togar Hutagaol1, H.B Tarmizi2, Murni Daulay2

1Posgraduate Students at University of North Sumatera, Indonesia
2Postgraduate Lecturer at University of North Sumatera, Indonesia

Corresponding Author: David Togar Hutagaol


This research aims to analyze the influence of population growth rate, economic growth, human development index, income distribution, and unemployment rate toward poverty in all provinces in Indonesia. This research used multiple linear regression model which processed with SPSS. All variables, such as population growth rate, economic growth, human development index, income distribution, and unemployment rate are in form of secondary data, which further proxied with Gini Ratio and unemployment rate in all provinces in Indonesia within 2016. The included data are in form of cross section data. The results show that population growth rate (0,015), economic growth (0,00), human development index (0,035), income distribution (0,01), and unemployment rate (0,00) are simultaneously influencing the poverty in all provinces in Indonesia, significantly

Key words: Population Growth Rate, Economic Growth, Human Development Index, Income Distribution, Unemployment Rate, Poverty.

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