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Short Communication

Year: 2019 | Month: May | Volume: 6 | Issue: 5 | Pages: 333-334

FTIR Characterization –Functional Groups Identification- of Siddha Drug Pungam Poo Chooranam

D.S. Vaniswari*1, Arunachalam K2

*1 Post Graduate, Department of kuzhanthai maruthuvam, Tamil Nadu.
2Research Associate (Siddha), Siddha Clinical Research Unit, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India.

Corresponding Author: D.S. Vaniswari


Aim: To study the functional groups identification through FTIR characterization of siddha drug Pungam poochooranam
Materials and methods: The sample in chooranam form were grounded to fine powder form using agate motor and pestle .They were then Pelletized by applying pressure to prepare the specimen to record the FT-IR Spectra and used to determine the presence of the functional groups and bands in the “Pungam poo chooranam”
Result: Alkane, Mercaptans, Amines, Chloride, Bromide, Iodide, Nitro groups were Some functional groups such as identified in Siddha formulation “Pungam poo chooranam”.
Conclusion: This identified functional groups will help to evaluate the molecular structure regarding research findings for this Siddha formulation in future for its extensive use in research of new anti cancer drug discovery.

Key words: Siddha, Pungam poo, FTIR characterization, Chooranam.

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