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Original Research Article

Year: 2019 | Month: July | Volume: 6 | Issue: 7 | Pages: 34-39

Comprehensive Study of the Evaluation of Radiation Dose in Different Chest CT Protocols at SGT Hospital, Gurgaon

Mohit Kumar Dahiya1, Jyoti2

1,2Department of Radio-Diagnosis, SGT University, Gurgaon, Haryana, India.

Corresponding Author: Mohit Kumar Dahiya


Computed tomography is higher modality of X-RAY imaging. In computed tomography the doses are generally expressed in CTDIVOL, DLP. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the radiation doses between different chest CT protocols. The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the radiation dose in different chest CT protocols. CTDIVOL and DLP doses were obtained from routine CT chest examination (NCCT, CECT, HRCT Vol., and HRCT SEQ). The prospective study was done at SGT hospital in rural area of Gurgaon, Haryana. The study was carried out in 60 patients including 15 patients of each protocol. The mean value of CTDI VOL and DLP were respectively: 5.643mGy and 214.69mGy*cm for NCCT chest, 11.33mGy and 392mGy*cm for CECT chest, 6.34mGy and 221.66mGy*cm for HRCT volumetric and 2.41 mGy and 77.13mGy*cm for HRCT sequential. The study shows result with highest radiation doses in contrast enhanced computed tomography among all the chest protocols.

Key words: AERB- Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, CECT- Contrast Enhanced Computed Tomography, Cm- Centimeter, CTDI- Computed Tomography Dose Index, CT- Computed Tomography, DLP- Dose Length Product, Gy- Gray.

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