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Research Paper

Year: 2020 | Month: October | Volume: 7 | Issue: 10 | Pages: 140-144

The Influence of Lifestyle and Sales Promotion on Online Purchase Decisions for Home-Cooked Culinary during COVID-19 in Medan City, Indonesia

Eka Dewi Setia Tarigan, Hesti Sabrina, Yuni Syahputri

Faculty of Management and Business, Universitas Medan Area Medan, Indonesia

Corresponding Author: Eka Dewi Setia Tarigan


Pandemic COVID-19 has brought many changes to the human side of life, such as the lifestyle of ordering culinary online. As a result of this Covid-19 society is also affected in the economic field so that consumers tend to look for culinary online that offers attractive incentives. This study discusses how the influence of lifestyle variables and sales promotion on culinary purchase decisions in Medan city during pandemic Covid-19. The results of this study show that lifestyle variables affect culinary purchase decisions in Medan city and sales promotion variables have a positive and significant effect on culinary purchase decision during Covid-19 in Medan city. Lifestyle variables and sales promotions simultaneously had a positive and significant effect on culinary purchasing decisions during Covid-19 in the city of Medan.

Keywords: Lifestyle, Sales Promotion, Culinary, Online Purchase Decision, Covid-19

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