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Review Paper

Year: 2020 | Month: June | Volume: 7 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 4-8

Tics and Tourette Syndrome - A Complete Review

Abith Baburaj1, A. R. Shabaraya2

1Pharm D, 2Principal and Director
Srinivas College of Pharmacy, Mangalore, India

Corresponding Author: Abith Baburaj


Tourette's syndrome is a trivial neurodegenerative condition characterized by repetitive agitation, tics, and motor and phonic constituents. Tourette syndrome, along with amplified striatal dysfunction, has been conceptualized as a disorder which mainly affects basal ganglia. Some forms of co-morbidity follow TS such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Obsessive Compulsive Behavior/Disorder (OCB/D) and Autism Spectrum Disease (ASD); also mental disorder coexists, such as depression, anxiety, Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), CD and Personality Disorder (PD). Individuals with Tourette syndrome are likely to repeat phrases, actions, sounds regularly or can accidentally say words or perform socially inappropriate gestures. Some patients suffering from Tourette syndrome report discomfort with their tics. Aware attempts to reduce tics will help. Both tics and Tourette's syndrome are diagnosed using the medical history of a clinician and the subject's physical examination. No tests are available which will validate the diagnosis. Whether the tics are mild or do not interfere with everyday life there is no need for medication. Depending on the extent of the tics that cause speech or movement issues, attention should be given to both non-pharmacological and pharmacological methods like behavioral treatment or medication. Though there is no permanent cure for TS, the conditions do subside during the late teens and early 20s thus making it favorable for the patients to withdraw medication for tic suppression.

Keywords: Tourette syndrome, Tics, multiple motor and vocal tics, repetitive involuntary movements

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