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Case Report

Year: 2020 | Month: July | Volume: 7 | Issue: 7 | Pages: 184-187

Fatal Intestinal Perforation in a Tubal Ligation Procedure: A Rare Case

Kumar Sharp1, Nilesh A. Devraj2, Vaibhav D. Sonar3

1MBBS undergraduate student, Government Medical College and Civil Hospital, Jalgaon
2Assistant Professor, 3Professor and HOD,
Dept of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, Government Medical College and Civil Hospital, Jalgaon

Corresponding Author: Nilesh A. Devraj


Tubal sterilization is the second most commonly used procedure for family planning in the world. Tubal ligation is the most commonly used method for female sterilization in India. Among the most common complications in this procedure are bleeding due to vessel rupture, tearing of mesosalpinx, intestinal perforation and bleeding. In the present case of fatal intestinal perforation in a post medical termination of pregnancy (MTP) with tubal ligation procedure, after complete autopsy and histo-pathological examination septic shock with peritonitis was found to be the cause of death. This is a rare case of conflicting therapeutic knowledge and unusual symptoms which posed a difficult challenge for the doctors to manage and ultimately caused the death of the patient. This case also highlights the importance of previous medical records in history-taking.

Keywords: Bleeding, Intestinal perforation, Septic, Conflicting therapeutic knowledge

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