International Journal of Research and Review

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Review Article

Year: 2021 | Month: April | Volume: 8 | Issue: 4 | Pages: 188-190

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijrr.20210425

Study of Kala Sharir with Respect to Medodhara Kala

Swarup P. Kulkarni

Ph.D. (Registered Scholar), Associate Professor and H.O.D., Department of Rachana Sharir, Sant Gajanan Maharaj Ayurved Medical College, Mahagaon, Maharashtra, India.


According to Ashtang Sangraha Sharirsthan, kleda present between dhatu and aashay gets paak (solid) due to heat and called as kala. There are 7 kala. Kala is innermost limiting lining of Dhatus and Aashayas. Kala is the structure between Dhatu and Aashay or it is the structure inside the dhatu itself. According to Sushrutacharya, kala is that limiting layer of body organs and tissues which keep them in normal position. Here the word is used for organs also. Kala can be correlated with Membrane, Fascia, Covering etc. structures as per Anatomy. The term Kala is used for, Membrane – This may be fibrous, mucous and serous, One of the Sharir Ghatak (Part of the body), Sheath, Septum, Guna (Qualities). Kala is classified under 7 categories as Mansadhara, Raktadhara, Medodhara, Pittadhara, Purishdhara, Shukradhara and Shleshmadhara kala. Medodhara kala can be compared with Omentum and Deep fascia.

Keywords: Kala, Membrane, Medodhara kala, Omentum, Deep fascia.

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