International Journal of Research and Review

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Research Paper

Year: 2022 | Month: August | Volume: 9 | Issue: 8 | Pages: 848-853

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijrr.20220872

Language Variation and Phoneme Distribution in Toba and Simalungun Languages

Annim Hasibuan1, Amron Zarkasih Ritonga1, Ayu Andini1, Ria Desy Nasution1

1Faculty of Pedagogy and Teacher’s Training, Universitas Islam Labuhan Batu, Labuhan Batu, Indonesia

Corresponding Author: Annim Hasibuan


Variations of language that exist in society are systematic but not random, as what can be seen from Toba and Simalungun languages (TSL). This research was qualitative since it only collected and described TSL’s language variation and phoneme distribution. Data was taken from interview. The results show that vowel assimilation can be seen from TSL’s words horbo vs horbou, eme vs omei, and mate vs matei. Consonant assimilation exists in TSL’s combination, such as, baba vs babah, tubu vs tubuh, mangolu vs manggolu, manjolom vs manggolam, biang vs baliang, and unang vs  ulang in which consonants /h/, /g/. /gg/, and /al/, and /l/ are found. Ellipsis appearing in /o/-/u/, /e/-/i/, /h/, /e/-/ui/, /b/-/l/ in Toba’s words such as horbo, eme, eta, marlange, and bagak can be found in Simalungun’s horbou, emei, heta, marlangui, and lagak. With reference to phoneme shift, several shifts in Toba’s consonant, such as, /rs/, /j/, and /e/ in words, such as marsuan, manjolam, and marlange have become /n/, /gg/, and /ui/ in words for example manuan, manggolam, and marlangui in Simalungun.

Keywords: Language variation, assimilation, ellipsis, phoneme distribution, Toba and Simalungun languages

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