International Journal of Research and Review

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Year: 2024 | Month: May | Volume: 11 | Issue: 5 | Pages: 685-692

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijrr.20240579

Determinants of the Financial Health of Deposit Guarantee Corporation in the Pandemic Era (Case Study at PT. XYZ Sharia)

Maria Ulfah1, Hermanto Siregar2, Bayu Bandono3

1School of Business, 2School of Business and Department of Economics, IPB University, SB IPB Building, Bogor, Indonesia
3Indonesia Financial Services Authority (OJK), Jakarta, Indonesia

Corresponding Author: Maria Ulfah


PT. XYZ Sharia is a deposit guarantee corporation (“Lembaga Penjamin”), which obliged to maintain its financial health as explained in the Financial Services Authority Circular Letter Number 18/SEOJK.05/2018. During the pandemic era PT. XYZ Sharia is faced with strategic issues relating to the implementation of more effective risk management. This is expected to provide protection for the company against losses and maintain the company's financial health level in the very healthy category. This research aims to analyze the significance of liquidity calculations, Gearing Ratio, ROA, BOPO and claims ratio on the level of financial health of PT XYZ Sharia. The research used multiple linear regression analysis. The data are secondary data originating from the financial reports of PT XYZ Sharia for 2021-2022. The research found that the Gearing Ratio and BOPO had positive and significant effects on the company's health level. Simultaneously, liquidity, Gearing Ratio, ROA, BOPO and Claims Ratio have a significant effect on the company's financial health level.

Keywords: BOPO, Claims Ratio, Deposit Guarantee Companies, Financial Health, Gearing Ratio, JEL Classifications: G23, I12, Liquidity, ROA.

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