International Journal of Research and Review


Vol.7; Issue: 11; November 2020

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S.No. Articles Pages
1. Effect of COVID-19 Lockdown on Dental Care of Patients: A Survey Analysis.

Shradha Singh, Apoorv Rana, Vanshika Jain, Deborah Sybil, Himani Khatter
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Dentistry

2. Comparison of Bipolar Vessel Sealing Device Haemorrhoidectomy Vs Stapled Haemorrhoidopexy: A Prospective Study.

Mohammad Faisal, Rashid Murtaza, Devadatta Poddar
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Medical Science; Surgery

3. A Case Report On En Caul Delivery of Extremely Preterm Fetus.

Anisur Rahman, Akash Das, Priscilla Mary, Sheik Haja Sherief, Sivakumar T
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Pharmacy Practice

4. Endodontic Management of a Tooth with Persistent Intracanal Drainage Using Laser: A Case Report.

Asiya Mujawar
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Dentistry

5. Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice on Prevention of Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) in Yobe State, Northeast Nigeria.

Tijjani Mustapha, Abdullahi Muhammad Daskum, Abdullahi Hassan Gana
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Biological Sciences

6. Analysis of the Effect of the Government Internal Control System (GICS), Implementation of Government Accounting Standards (GAS), Compliance with Legislation and Regional Asset Management on the Quality of West Nias Regency Government Financial Reports.

Iman Jaya Hia, Erlina1, Sirojuzilam
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Accounting

7. Effect of Professionalism and Competence of Teachers on Teacher Performance and Its Impact on Student Learning Outcomes at Harapan Mandiri College.

A’en Vater Mahulae, Prihatin Lumbanraja, Elisabet Siahaan
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Management

8. The Relationship of Active Elderly Posyandu Visits and Family Support with the Quality of Life of the Elderly in the Work Area of Puskesmas in Ulak Tano, Paluta Regency, 2019.

Indah Rosa Hasibuan, Sri Rahayu Sanusi, Erna Mutiara
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Health Science

9. Validity of E-Learning Based Module Development in Management Information System Course.

Mogastra Rachmana Nursi, Waskito, Hasan Maksum
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Management

10. Overview of Vietnamese Enterprises.

Bao Quoc Mai
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Management

11. Value Added Analysis and Factors Affecting the Income of Arabica Coffee Farming in Payung District, Karo Regency.

Aditia Erick Cantona Simatupang, Kelin Tarigan, Rahmanta
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Agribusiness

12. Tribal Women and Economic Significance: A Comprehensive Study.

Appala Naidu Pappala
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Anthropology

13. The Impact of Oil Sector on the Economy - Theoretical Review.

Dr. Akashraj, Bol Ring Mourwel
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Economics

14. Critical Examination of Alternative Dispute Resolution.

Isaac Olaitan Okeya
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Management

15. Students' Critical Thinking Skill through Group Investigation Learning Method at SMK West Java.

Mahisa Silmi Abdul Karim, Suwatno, A. Sobandi
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Education

16. The Influence of Spatial, Cleanliness and the Environment of Investigation on Patients’ Comfort during Receiving Treatment at RSU H. Sahudin Kutacane.

Zakiul Ifkar Hamsi, Ermi Girsang, Sri Lestari Ramadhani Nasution, Chrismis Novalinda Ginting
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Public Health

17. The Impact of Incorporating Concept Mapping in Project-Based Learning on Learning Strategy and Cognitive Styles upon Learning Outcomes of Writing Skills.

Rubiah, I Nyoman Sudana Degeng, Punaji Setyosari, Dedi Kuswandi
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Education

18. Estrogen Response in Correlation with Women Memory: A Review.

Praisy EV, Sudha M, Sambathkumar R
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Pharmacy

19. Role of Patolmooladi Kwatha in Grahni W.R.T (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) - A Review.

Trupti Acharya , Vikas Kumar Sharma
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Ayurveda

20. Management of Haemorrhoids with Individualized Homoeopathy in Improving Quality of Life: An Observational Study.

Subhash M. Yadav, Kamlesh P. Bagmar
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Homoeopathy

21. Rural Folks Perception of Effect of Activities of Miscreants on Agricultural Production in Rural Communities of Delta State, Nigeria.

Emaziye P.O, Ebewore S.O.
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Agricultural Economics & Extension

22. Analysis of the Productivity of Carrot Farming Labor in Sugihen Village, Dolat Rakyat District, Karo Regency.

Jones Tonggor Simatupang, Donny Ivan Samuel Simatupang
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Agribusiness

23. Effect of Brand Image and Promotion on the Decision to Use Shipping Services from PT Pos Indonesia, Medan Kesawan Branch with Trust as an Intervening Variable.

Noni Maindayanti, Endang Sulistya Rini, Beby Karina Fawzeea Sembiring
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Management

24. Antimicrobial Sutures for Periodontal Surgeries.

Neethi Deborah Devadason, Rajasekar S., Siji Jacob, Kavitha J.
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Dentistry

25. A Case Study of Infective Sacroiliitis in a Pregnant Woman.

Unnimaya K L, Malavika T R, Ajmal K K, Bitson Augustine
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Pharmacy Practice

26. Uncommon Facades of Atrial Septal Defect - A Case Series.

Ambroise MJ, Shine Kumar, Nagarajan K
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Medical Science; General Medicine

27. Assessment of the Visual Outcome of Different Treatment Modalities of Traumatic Cataract.

Dhanya V S, Radha Nair, Manju Abraham
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Medical Science; Ophthalmology

28. Teachers’ Academic Qualification as a Predictor of Attitude and Academic Achievement in Geography of Senior Secondary School Students in Adamawa State, Nigeria.

Jacob Filgona, John Sakiyo
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Environmental and Life Sciences Education

29. Analysis of Factors Affecting the Income of Traditional Traders in Karo District (Case Study at Berastagi Fruit Market).

Jessi Charina Sembiring, Sya’ad Afifuddin, Murni Daulay
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Economics and Business

30. Self-Capital and Loan Capital toward the MSME Income of Tebing Tinggi.

Debbi Chyntia Ovami, Ananda Anugrah Nasution, Yuni Shara
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Accounting

31. Communication during Pandemic: The Digital Marketplace to Support SME’s Business in Indonesia.

Ainun Nimatu Rohmah, Kadek Dristiana Dwivayani, Kheyene Molekandella Boer
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Communication

32. The Analysis of Students' Mathematical Critical Thinking Ability through Discovery Learning Models.

[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Mathematics Education

34. Study on Association of Glycation Gap in Diabetes Mellitus with Renal Complication.

Sthitapragyan Mishra, Upendra Kumar Das, Roma Rattan, Manmath Kumar Mandal, Anoj Kumar Baliarsingh
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Medical Science; Biochemistry

35. The Implementation of Prodamas to Increase the People’ Prosperity.

Mochamad Muchson
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Management

36. Effect of Panchtantra Stories on Developing Prosocial Behavior among Individuals with Intellectual Disability.

Preeti Kumari, Wasim Ahmad, Nazli
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Special Education (Intellectual Disability)

37. Presentation of Odontogenic Infection- A Prospective Analysis.

Rishi Thukral, Dal Singh, Akanksha Thukral
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Dentistry

38. Analyzed the Quality of Services Unit Outpatients BPJS Insurance in the Hospital of Kolonel Abunjani Bangko.

Sri Lestari Ramadhani Nasution, Ermi Girsang, Ali Napiah Nasution, Heris Dwityo Pelawinta
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Public Health

39. Nurse’s Motivation in Infection Prevention in Postoperative Patients in ICU Room of Haji Medan Hospital.

Kamaliah Ainun, Niasty Lasmy Zaen
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Nursing

40. Relation between Serum Cortisol Hormone Levels and Parenting Self-Efficacy (PSE) in Postpartum Sectio Caesarea Mothers.

Leza Fidyah Restiana, Rosfita Rasyid, M. Kes, Andi Friadi, SpOG (K)
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Medical Science; Obstetrics and Gynecology

41. The Effect of Giving Edible Amaranth Extract (Amaranthus tricolor) and Moringa Leaves (Moringa oleifera) Extract on Experimental Pregnant Mice towards Hemoglobin Level.

Ayu Jani Puspitasari, Efrida, SpPK (K), M. Kes, Gusti Revila, M. Kes
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Medical Science; Midwifery Science

42. Antifungal Activity of Henna Leaves (Lawsonia inermis L.) against Trichophyton rubrum and Trichophyton interdigitale.

Rabi Yakubu Bello
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Microbiology

43. Collecting Duct Carcinoma; A Rare Renal Neoplasm – A Case Report.

Debaditya Samanta, Asim Kumar Manna
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Medical Science; Pathology

44. Case Report on Young Onset Parkinson's Disease.

Jashlyn Lijo.J, Priscilla Mary James, Haja Sherief.S, Sivakumar.T
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Pharmacy

45. The Study of Serum Gamma Glutamyl Transferase Level in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome.

Uthaya Sankar M K, Nagabhushan.D, Louis Ferdin Zeno.J, Gayathri
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Medical Science; General Medicine

46. A Clinical Profile of Stroke in Tertiary Care Centre.

Uthaya Sankar M K, Mythreini Satheesh, Louis Ferdin Zeno.J, Suman Babu.I.S.S.
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Medical Science; General Medicine

47. “Stage B2 Thymoma Presenting with Myasthenia Gravis” Successfully Treated with Multimodality Treatment: A Case Report from Tertiary Cancer Centre in North India.

Sharma Jyoti, Sharma Damini
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Medical Science; Radiotherapy

48. Factors Affecting the Linkage Risk of Rice Contract Farming: The Case of Large Field Models in Hau Giang Province.

Bui Thanh Phuong, Nguyen Quoc Nghi
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Agribusiness

49. The Effect of Breast Care on Prolactin Levels in Postpartum Primipara Mothers.

Siti Lestari, Yusri Dianne Jurnalis, Sp.A(K), Fadil Oenzil, SpGK
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Medical Science; Midwifery Science

50. Effect of Tax Amnesty and Government Expenditures on Economic Growth in Indonesia

Rizka Elvira Parinduri, HB. Tarmizi, Ahmad Albar Tanjung, Lestari Sihite
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Economics and Business

51. Conceptual Study of Khalitya and its Management.

Rachin Shivgotra
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Ayurveda

52. ARDL's Strength Detects Financial Performance and Hedging against the Profits of Indonesian Food and Beverages Companies.

Rusiadi, Kiki Farida Ferine, Hasrul Azwar Hsb, Syarifah Maya Mutia
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Management

53. Kudumbashree Mission and COVID-19: A Success Story from the State of Kerala.

Jini Thomas, Pramitha Prakash
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Management

54. A Descriptive Study to Assess the Level of Stress among Elderly People Residing at Old Age Homes, Uttar Pradesh (India).

Bince Varghese, Saniya Susan Issac, Jubin Varghese
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Nursing

55. Levels of hs-CRP and Lipid Profile in Preeclampsia

Debkumar Ray, Soma Ghosh
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Medical Science; Biochemistry

56. A Comparative Evaluation of Microscopic and Immuno-Chromatographic Diagnostic Tests for Detection of Malaria.

Harjinder Singh, Swati Mittal, Lovepreet Singh, Ravi Kumar Tiwary
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Medical Science; Microbiology

57. Analysis of Workplace Stress Based on Employee Workload in Bank Mega Syariah Medan.

Febrina Soraya Tanjung, Harmein Nasution, Yeni Absah
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Management

58. Analysis the Effect of the Implementation Occupational Safety and Health Management System Factors on Worker Productivity in Fit out Mall Work in DKI Jakarta.

Herry Supriyatna, Rosalendro Eddy Nugroho
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Health Management System

59. The Analysis of the Influence of Work Behavior, Work Stress and Wages on the Performance of Cleaning Officers in the Environmental Service of Karo District.

Daretmo Sastra Keliat, Sukaria Sinulingga, Yeni Absah
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Management

60. Productivity Enhancement Strategy of PT PIL in Belawan.

HotmaTambunan, Nazaruddin, IsfentiSadalia
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Management

61. Structure of Eastern African Standby Force in Maintaining Peace and Security in Kenya and Somalia.

Robert Gichangi Kabage, Prof. Kennedy Onkware, Prof. Crispinous Iteyo
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Peace and Conflict Studies

62. Strategy Formulation SLIH Hotel Competitiveness in the Hospitality Industry in Bogor.

Rohedi Waluyo Sejati, Harianto, Bagus Sartono
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Hotel Management

63. Prevalence of Psychological Disorders with Presence of Comorbidities during COVID-19 Outbreak in the Population of Maharashtra State: A Correlational Study.

Aditya .N. Ruikar, VandanaNade
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Pharmacy

64. Entrepreneur's Interest, Independence and Skill towards the Success of Motorcycle Workshop in Medan.

Bambang Suwarno, Rusiadi, Bhakti Alamsyah, Firman Handiko
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Management

65. A Review on Anti Obesity Drugs.

Jose Mathew, Krishnaveni Kandasamy, Shanmugasundaram Rajagopal, Sambathkumar R
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Pharmacy

66. The Impact of Ageing Facilities on Oil Production in South Sudan.

Dr. Akashraj D.P., Kuol Deng Maleith
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Economics

67. D2C (Direct To Consumer) Business Model: Efficacious Strategy for the Businesses to Grow During COVID-19 Scenario.

Shikha Bhagat, Shilpa Sarvani Ravi
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Business Management

68. Optimization of Process Parameters for the Machining of Microslot on Copper Workpiece Using LBM by Grey Relational Analysis and ANOVA.

P. Hema, M. Reddeiah, B. Narayana Reddy
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Mechanical Engineering

69. Chemomechanical Caries Removal with Respect to COVID-19 in Dentistry.

Avik Narayan Chatterjee, Lopamoodra Das, Khushboo, Raju Biswas, Subrata Saha, Subir Sarkar
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Dentistry

70. Risk Analysis of Licensing and Land Acquisition on Project Performance of Transit Oriented Development / TOD Tanjung Barat.

Novie Yocient, Nunung Widyaningsih, Bambang Purwoko K.B.
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text] [DOI:]
Research Area: Management

71. The Communication of Customs Officers in Serving Communities Carrying Imported Goods at the Airport.

Muhammad Razib Alfarizi, Lusiana Andriani Lubis, Suwardi Lubis
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Communication Science

72. Analysis of Factors Affecting Earning Management in Banking Companies Listed on BEI.

Geby Citra, Cahyo Pramono
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Management

73. Effect of Organizational Communication and Job Satisfaction on Employee Achievement at Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) Binjai City.

Siswa Pratama
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Management

74. Efficiency Analysis of Shallot Farmer in Brebes, Central Java.

Linda Tri Wira Astuti, Arief Daryanto, Yusman Syaukat, Heny K Daryanto
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Agricultural Economics

75. Relationship between Attitude and Choice of Mathematics Related Courses among Female Students in Technical Training Institutes in Western Region of Kenya.

Achuodho Hamphrey, Dr. Pamela Raburu, Dr. Benard Mwebi
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Education

76. The Development of English Public Speaking Competence Rating Scale for EFL University and College Students in China.

Chen Cheng, Florence Kuek
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Education and Languages

77. Gender Gaps in Mobile Penetration in India.

Dr. Susanta Mondal
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Information Technology

78. The Relationship between Progesterone Receptor Expression with Cell Differentiation and the Stage of Endometrial Carcinoma.

Muhammad Fauzie Sahil, Ratih Puty Hariandy, Sarah Dina
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Medical Science; Obstetrics and Gynaecology

79. Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Presenting as Paraplegia: a Case Report.

Uthaya Sankar M.K, Sivaram A, Louis Ferdin Zeno.J, Suman Babu.I.S.S
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Medical Science; General Medicine

80. A Deviant Manifestation of Sarcoidosis: Bilateral Inguinal Lymphadenopathy.

Uthaya Sankar M K, Swapna U S, Sivaram A, Mythreini B S
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Medical Science; General Medicine

81. Shedding Light on AI: Exploring Explainable AI Techniques.

Deekshitha Kosaraju
[ABSTRACT] [PDF Full Text]
Research Area: Computer Science

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